Gamma Theta Lambda History
The Gamma Theta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. located in Wilmington, Delaware was organized in 1944 and received its charter in August of 1945. The chapter was chartered by 13 brothers living in the area who came together to perpetuate Alpha Phi Alpha’s principles of scholarship, fellowship, good character and the uplifting of humanity.
The chapter’s first project was to raise funds for the Howard High School band. At that time Howard High School was the only secondary school for black students in Delaware. There were no funds available for the band’s activities in the school budget.
Within three weeks Gamma Theta Lambda had raised in excess of the $750 needed for the uniforms. Excess funds were used to start a scholarship fund that continues to this day and is one of the chapter’s major activities.
In addition, Gamma Theta Lambda is a life member of the NAACP. Brothers are encouraged to participate in the organization’s activities.
Gamma Theta Lambda is responsible for bringing Alpha Phi Alpha to the state of Delaware. GTL sponsored the establishment of the Gamma Sigma Chapter at Delaware State University, (then Delaware State College) the state’s historically black university and the Xi Omicron Chapter at the University of Delaware.
During Gamma Theta Lambda’s years, the chapter has taken on many projects that have benefited Wilmington and the state of Delaware. These include: The annual scholarship fund; Raising funds for the Layton Home, a home founded for the black elderly; Supporting the Walnut Street Y; Sponsoring voter registration and education drives; and Participating in Project Alpha, the fraternity’s teen pregnancy prevention program.
In addition; Gamma Theta Lambda has benefited the social life of the community by sponsoring a Black and Gold Ball, a boat ride, and a day at Blue Rocks’ Stadium.
Gamma Theta Lambda continues to strive to live up to Alpha Phi Alpha’s motto of First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All.