There Goes an Alpha Man

By Peter Clarke

There goes a man of high impulse,
Of princely mien and grace.
There goes a man of humble faith,
A credit to his race.

There goes a man of conscience vast,
With the will to reach his goal.
There goes a man of lordly rank,
Of heroe’s stock and soul.

There goes a man of noble caste,
Whom hardship cannot break.
There goes a man in merit clad,
Whom duty won’t forsake.

There goes a man in cultured verse,
Who holds a sportman’s creed.
There goes a man too vigilant,
To bow to lust or greed.

There goes a man whose life is spent,
In service not in scorn.
There goes a man whose majesty,
Shines like a may time morn.

There goes a man who is a friend,
To love and duty truth.
There goes a man to help uplift,
The lives of wholesome youth.

There goes a man with industry,
And faith at his command.
There goes the best man in and out,
For he is an Alphaman.